I was just looking back over my journal entries. There are a couple I would like to share but I don't know how much of my personal experiences you might be interested in knowing. I guess it is best to share now rather than having them surface when I am dead.
Written 10/5/15: Every since BYU education week (Aug. 17-21) I have had strong prompting that if I truly wanted a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and to receive the gifts of the spirit that I need, I needed to follow Bro. Bartholomew's lead and get up early in the morning to prayer and study the scriptures. Several times over the past two months I have been awakened, I believe by the spirit, early in the morning between 4-5:30. I have had a voice in my mind suggesting I get up. I heeded the prompting a couple of times but the rest I ignored, kinda.
Well, in conference this past weekend counsel was given by Elder Lawrence to ask the Lord:
What is keeping me from progressing? Well, I asked and I was told to get up early each morning so that I can have the quite time I need to pray and study.
Last night one of the things I prayed for was to have the Lord/Spirit wake me up at 5. I mentioned in my prayer that on other days I had been awakened at 4 & 4:30 but that I felt 5 was early enough. I was awakened at 5 am exactly. I got up. I have to acknowledge that it was a miracle, tender mercy, divine signature? It was the Lord letting me know He will awaken me if I will but get up!
Here is another interesting tid bit. We were counseled to Ponderize a scripture each week. Well, I was gilded to D&C 98:1-2. It is about "patiently waiting upon the Lord". This evening I decided to up date my prayer list. I haven't even looked at it for over a month or two. One of the line items on my old list was me asking for help to be patient and wait upon the Lord. I had completely forgotten about that being on the list. I left that one on my list.
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