Let me begin by saying I did not drive for the first two weeks we where here because of the heavy, heavy traffic, the pushing and shoving that people do while driving, the buses, let's just say you better get out of their way and the motor cyclists. Then there is the road network? About 80% of the roads are one way so you have to know which ones to use. There is a saying here, you have to make three rights to turn left. So that complicates things a lot. The signage of streets is limited at best. Much of the driving and knowing where you are is done by memorizing land marks. Then if you miss a turn or get on the wrong road it could be "years" before you are found and there is no way I could ask for help because I don't have the language skills (in Spanish).
The following two miracles happened on 10/9/15.
I drove to the Temple by myself without any problems but coming back the drive was not so flawless. I began my drive back correctly but then two buses pulled out in front of me. Well, I let them because I wasn't about to fight with them over the road even though I should have had the right of way. That's not the way of things here in Guatemala. I needed to be in the right lane to take the "exit" off the road I was on and merge onto another road. The buses were in front of me and going slow. I had a clear left lane and thought I would have the time and space to get around them and back into the right lane. I didn't and as I got almost to the merging lane I could not get back into the right lane in time and found myself on the wrong road. I told myself, stay calm, and began looking for a way to turn around. I drove for a bit and realized turning around was not going to happen anytime soon so I took the next exit to the right, hoping that would give me a way to turn around. Once I took that exit which was kind of a "horseshoe" turn I felt I was in real trouble. By now the pray in my heart and mind was in great ernest. I didn't know what to do but stay calm. I soon saw a driveway I could use to turn around in and took it. I got turned around but was still very unsure of where I was or where I was going. I just kept praying and the next thing I knew I saw a road sign which I recognized. I followed it and was right back on the road I needed to be on. I don't know how to say this, once I was on the wrong road each turn and turn around was a direct answer to my prayer for help. I can't say that I heard a voice or felt really strongly feelings about the last two turns but I know the spirit was guiding me. I was and am so, so, so grateful. I could have been so very lost.
The second miracle was getting to Bob's office with his birthday cake. I had driven one time while Bob gave me directions. But when it came to me driving alone I was not sure I could get there. As I sat in front of our apartment building ready to go I had to wait for the traffic to clear. Just as I was getting ready to merge into traffic another car pulls out in front of me. As I looked I thought it was Bob's "boss"? So I pull in behind him. I wasn't totally sure it is him but I remember the first few turns and as I followed he made the turns I knew were correct so I followed. As I continue to follow I began to wonder, I'm going the right way? Now things don't seem familiar. I began to question, I'm following the person I thought it was? Now this part of the route doesn't seem right. I said to myself if this is not right then I am somewhat lost. But I determine to follow a bit longer. We (I) soon end up at the office. The person I followed was Bob's "boss". When I asked him later if he knew I was following him he said, no. Another miracle. I would not have made my way to the office if I hadn't had him to follow because I totally didn't recognize the last part of the drive.
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