Saturday, October 24, 2015

A Special Witness

Another week has flown by.  Today was our P-day, but we just exercised in the morning and did shopping and errands this afternoon.  We are both pretty tired from our labors.  We helped Paula Wood get the shopping done that she needed to do in preparation for a VIP breakfast and the November Break the Fast gathering (that is the dinner we all have together as missionaries on fast Sunday).  They have family coming in this week to visit, so she needed help getting the shopping done while her husband worked today.

I posted a picture of our missionary group earlier in the week.  We had a Zone Conference on Thursday and Elder Jose Alonso addressed us along with a couple of the Sister Missionaries. All the talks were great.  Elder Alonso shared personal experiences as a general authority at General Conference when the three new Apostles were called and sustained.  He told how in a meeting with the general authorities, President Monson stood and testified that the Lord, Jesus Christ, had given him the names of those who were to be called as the new Apostles.  He spoke of his own witness that that was true, and told of meeting the day of their call with Bishop Stevenson, where he seemed distracted and detached.  Later when he saw the new Apostle after his call was announced, he testified that he saw a light in his countenance and perceived that the mantle of the apostleship had descended upon him.  I too received a witness during conference that these new Apostles were called of God and not of man.  It was not a political, racial, or cultural decision; it was revelation from the Savior.

Elder Alonso then talked to us about listening to the voice of the Savior, feeling His Spirit, and seeing His face.  This is our quest in life, to become like Him so that we can become like Our Heavenly Father.

1 comment:

  1. So wonderful! Thanks for sharing. I turned my phone off for a few days to focus on some more important things that needed attention, so I just got to see your blog for the first time! We are so delighted in your service, we love you!
