Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Chacón Family

Last night we had a dinner invitation from the Chacón family.  Brother Chacón is the Stake Patriarch in the Molino Stake and the family are members of the Santa Luisa Ward where we attend we church.  They live in a small home not far from the church where brother Chacón has lived all of his life.  He is a convert to the Church of more than 50 years, and his family is an example of the remarkable difference that the Gospel can make in the lives of people.  His children have served missions (the youngest is still serving in Salt Lake City) and are faithful members of the Church.  The Spirit in their home was wonderful.  We visited all evening, and I enjoyed very much getting to know them and hearing Brother Chacón's testimony.  He is a CPA and works for a subsidiary of General Electric, but notwithstanding that, their circumstances are humble by American standards.  As a young man he was challenged in his poverty to live the law of tithing, and he tells of going for a walk in the street and weeping.  He could barely care for himself and his family, including his parents, but He told His Heavenly Father that if He wanted him to pay tithing, he would do it, but he would need His help.  He began to pay his tithing and shortly thereafter was blessed with a job opportunity that more than doubled his income.  He bore a strong testimony of the law of tithing and how it has blessed his family.  We pay tithing with faith, not with money.

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