One of the wonderful experiences I have here in Guatemala is meeting every Monday morning with the employees of the Church in the Area Office in a devotional to begin the week´s work. This morning we had the privilege of listening to Elder José Alonso of the Area Presidency. He spoke of the important role of women in the counsels of the Church and family in helping open the windows of heaven and ensure that the power of Godliness is manifest in our lives. He testified of the importance for those holding the Holy Priesthood of listening intently and receiving counsel from the sisters.
Elder Alonso shared an experience in his life when he was a young father and medical doctor working very long hours at the hospital including on Sundays and late in the evening. His only day off was on Thursday. On one occasion his young son asked him why he never went with the family to Church. He explained to the boy that he had to work very hard at the hospital, but that he did it all for him and the family. Later when he and his wife were discussing this concern of their son, his wife told him that he did not work that way for the benefit of the family, but did it because he wanted to. She counseled him that if he worked for the family, he would be with the family for Church. Elder Alonso testified that his wife´s counsel changed his life. He resolved that he would make the changes necessary in his job so that he could be with his family in these important times. The next day he asked to meet with his supervising doctor at the hospital, and the man asked him to wait for a few minutes as he had an appointment to talk with another doctor in the hospital at that time. After the other doctor departed, Elder Alonso went in to talk with his boss. The boss said before he heard what Elder Alonso wanted to discuss, he needed to ask him for some help. He explained that the other doctor had come to see him about a personal problem that made it difficult for him to work his Saturday shift, and he wanted to rearrange his schedule so that he worked on Sunday instead of Saturday. The boss asked Elder Alonso if he would be willing to rearrange his schedule so that he took his day off on Sunday. Elder Alonso said he would be glad to, of course. When his boss asked him what he had come to talk to him about, Elder Alonso just said he had come to invite him to lunch. He testified that when he listened to the counsel of his wife and determined to follow her counsel, the Lord opened the windows of heaven and made it possible for him to do His will.
I so enjoy rubbing shoulders with these wonderful latter-day saints in the area office. Each is temple worthy and faithful in the Church and the spirit in the Area Office is strong. These special devotionals every Monday morning are a great way to start the week.
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