Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas in Guatemala

I am sure that every land has its special traditions for Christmas.  Here in Guatemala as families gather on Christmas eve, they eat traditional tamales and drink a fruit punch, ponche.  As the night of celebration progresses, you begin to hear and see fire works all around town.  It grows in a crescendo until at midnight it breaks forth in the most spectacular display of fireworks imaginable, a 360 degree explosive show of lights.  It seems strange to us missionaries from North America gathered on our rooftop to watch the spectacular display, but then this is the land where there was no darkness in the night of his birth, and somehow lighting the night sky with a multitude of fireworks seems an appropriate celebration of His birth.  After another half hour or so of magnificent fireworks, families gather to open their gifts in the middle of the night, celebrating the giving of the greatest gift of all, the gift of the Son of God.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Kekchi at the Temple

During my Thursday shift at the temple this week a large group of the Kekchi (or Q'eqchi) Maya came in from Senahú.  A dozen young men received their own endowment in preparation for a mission or wedding.  I had the privilege of officiating in some of that.  These beautiful people from the Alta Verapaz and Baja Verapaz departments in northern Guatemala speak their native language, although most of the men speak at least a little Spanish.  They are able to receive their endowment in their native Mayan tongue.  I was so impressed with the spirit of these young men.  It is remarkable how many in their native communities have embraced the Restored Gospel.  They are truly the Lord's  people.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Our Christmas Devotional and Party

This morning I attended the annual Christmas Devotional, luncheon, and party for all the Church employees and Senior Missionaries in the Area Office.  All three members of the Area Presidency and their wives spoke to us, the Senior Missionaries sang, and we watched the video associated with the Church's Christmas program, Light the World.  We then had a wonderful Christmas dinner while listening to a local bells choir play Christmas music.  The party was held in the huge recreation room at the Montúfar chapel not far from here.  It is the first chapel built in Central America and a grand old building.  It was a wonderful Christmas party in a beautifully decorated hall, and the Christmas Spirit was awesome.  Even though we will be alone this Christmas, we will rejoice in the Gift of the Father's Only Begotten Son, and we will strive to be like Him to the best of our ability.